My Blogs

I wanted to make this post more for me than anyone else. Having it posted publicly not only helps me keep track of it but also holds me accountable since I know others read my blog posts! Plus, I’m learning something new every time I hit publish, so I’ll be updating it over time to reflect more accurate information.

My Personal Blog

It all starts with ME Blogging Brandi and branches out from there! I use my personal brand to cross-promote my business brands.

Currently, I’ve been Rebranding myself from “Bloggin Brandi” to “Blogging Brandi” over the past year so that alone has been a massive move and I am rebranding online. I accidentally deleted my entire “old” website thinking it was unimportant so my personal website has been a work in progress. Not my 100% focus. But, I wanted a space to talk about something other than “RVing” which is all I’ve talked about on my RV Blog for several years!

TBH I also ONLY focused on creating YouTube Videos and reposting them to my personal blog so I wasn’t thinking about growing my website at the time.

My RV Blog

I share all about my RV Life via RVersity my University for RVers! All I’ve focused on for many years has been my RV Life. Mainly because I’ve been living stationary in my RV so it was only natural to want to talk about my RV!

But, For a while, I only shared videos on my RV YouTube Channel and republished them to my blog. Now, I’ve been working to BLOG more, so I just started to track these numbers. And I used to focus solely on selling my online RV courses. Which required me to take phone calls and more time away from creating content or focusing on my blog. Either way I’ve been working on tracking the numbers…

My Business Blog

I wrote a book about How To “Brand Like A Boss” and Turned it into a Blog called “BLABoss” where I share all the tools and resources I mentioned in the book.

With this blog, I cover all the FAQs I get about business and branding. From Websites to Email list building, Social Media, and YouTube video marketing, plus more…

I have to be honest when I was stuck at home not traveling or RVing I spent a lot more time helping others build their business and working on my blogs, brand, etc…. then I took a little Hiatus from business talk to focus on my RV content so I did NOT pay as much attention to this as I normally would.

My Dogs Blog

I LOVE my dog! All of them, right now I have 4 dogs and 1 cat, but that changes all the time since I foster and rescue new furbabies all the time!

So I created my dog blog called “Birdies Doghouse” and all the social media for @BirdiesDoghouse to put all the pictures, videos, favorite products, and more. I mainly wanted to talk about my dogs and share more about them.

I want to say this is more of a hobby blog than anything else. It is set up like a business and monetized (a little) but I haven’t spent a whole lot of time creating content.

My Money Blog

If you didn’t know already my background is in Finance, Investments, and Accounting aka I know a lot about Money! Not to mention I have a Finance Degree so naturally, I decided to start what I like to call “Fancy Financials” or my “Money Blog” where all I talk about is money! How To make money, manage money, budget, finance, and more….

My ReSelling Blog

ReSelling is what started it all for me and allowed me the freedom to quit my corporate job, start a business, and eventually led me to starting a BLOG! This is a little BTS of How I got started reselling aka Flipping or Retail Arbitrage and just one of the ways I’ve found for how to make money online as a fairly Passive income stream. Whether you’re Selling on eBay, Poshmark, Amazon, Ambay Exchange, etc… these are just a few of my Tips to become a successful reseller. Plus what I sell to make money online, the type of items I sell, and which ones are the most profitable! A Long time ago I came up with the name “Ambay Exchange” = Amazon + Ebay 😉

My Blogging Blog

Last But not least it brings me to this blog my blogging blog! I decided to name it my “Born To Blog Club” because that’s how I feel! Plus, I get asked so many questions about my BLOG(S) especially when someone says “What do you do?” and I have to reply oh you know “I’m just a blogger” 🙂

This was started more of a passion and hobby, plus a way for me to niche down and elaborate on one topic I love which is WRITING but I don’t have time to write and publish tons of books. So I find that blogging is a way to get the content out faster and be able to edit it. Plus, you know I just love to BLOG! Hence why my name is “Blogging Brandi”


If we haven’t officially met, Hi I’m Blogging Brandi an EX-Corp Kool-Aid Drinker, born to be a blogger, Creator, and Entrepreneur! I also have a Degree in Finance and am a Licensed Cosmetologist. Plus, I LOVE RVing and hanging out with my Dogs (& I have a Cat too!)…

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